To follow up the vaccination process for stage 1 and stage 2, Digital Technology University of Indonesia (DTUI), formerly AKAKOM College of Management and Computer Science (STMIK Akakom), in collaboration with dr. S. Hardjolukito Hospital held a Covid-19 booster vaccination (3rd dose) for the employees (19/1). The event was held in Building B of Hardjolukito Hospital and was attended by around 450 participants from 5 institutions namely DTUI, AKPY-STIPER, INSTIPER, STRD VISION, and the Higher Education Service in Region V (LLDIKTI Region V) of Yogyakarta. The Head of LLDIKTI Region V, Prof. Aris Junaidi also participated in that activity.

The Coordinator of the Hardjolukito Hospital Vaccination Team, dr. Arie Chandra, Sp.Rad., said that this booster vaccine used the AstraZeneca vaccine with a dose of 0.25 ml. "The participants who can get this booster vaccine are those who are 18 years and above, they have also been vaccinated at least 6 (six) months from the 2nd vaccine," he explained. The Rector of  Digital Technology University of Indonesia (DTUI), Ir. Totok Suprawoto, M.M., M.T. stated that this booster vaccination aimed to increase the level of immunity and to reduce the level of exposure to the new variants of the virus, as well as to support the government's efforts to prevent the Covid-19 virus. This booster vaccination was expected to support Face-to-face Learning (F2FL) which will be held by DTUI in the even semester of 2021/2022. "Even though the booster vaccine has been given, the health protocols must still be followed." Ir. Teguh Wijono Budi Prasetijo, M.M., said that DTUI's step in conducting the Covid-19 booster vaccination was to build herd immunity in the university environment. New variant viruses continue to emerge, while the campus must be prepared with face-to-face lectures. Currently, online learning at DTUI continues to run, supported by technology-based learning facilities.

Yayasan Pendidikan Widya Bakti Yogyakarta

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